There is power in numbers! If you are looking for an understanding support team, we invite you to contact us about joining one of our online support group’s ‘orientation and welcome’ every third Thursday of the month. Subscribe below if you wish to be sent the Zoom link invitation for the upcoming group session. After your orientation, you can choose to be assigned a support group already in progress or perhaps find yourself in a brand new one made up completely of men new to the site.

Through the power of sharing and with others who are open, honest, and confidential, your shame and hurt will not be barriers to you sharing and listening to other men’s stories. When we tell our stories, we remove some of the stigma, and the impact of our hurt becomes so much less impactful.


The first support group orientation is scheduled for Wednesday evening, January 26, 2022, at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Please fill out the form below to receive the zoom log-in information a week prior to the orientation.