

Welcome to my website’s blog! I have posted these blogs and curated content commentaries to teach and learn, challenge and be challenged, and ultimately continue growing into the person you want to become. In each blog post, I’ll detail a small concept from my book and reference a resource or two to support the claims. Then, I’ll show my application of the idea and research to real-life circumstances. But, in true blog fashion, I would love your input. How does this idea relate to YOUR personal healing? If you care to comment on the blog, please do so. We son’s need all the insight and encouragement we can. If you want to share a particular and personal success story or related advice, please go to our SHARE YOUR STORY page, fill out the release and I’ll include it here for others to benefit.

As you interact with each blog topic, you can incorporate your new experiences into the safety of healing like my book proposes. I hope you feel a sense of belonging and respite as you wander and wonder through each post. Stay positive. You can inspire each of us with your own reactions and wisdom, seeing how others have successfully redesigned themselves into men of integrity, virtue, and love. We are here to lift each other up. With the safety, respect, and support of this community, you are also free to reflect more responsibly on your own perspectives and how they form your own rules-to-live-by. Welcome, again to my website. We do not have to heal alone.

Guy Arcuri


Insulating and Isolating Behavior